Monday 14 January 2008

Movie 4-Mambo Italiano

Mambo Italiano
Starring:Luke Kirby,Paul Sorvino, Dir: Émile Gaudreault
Release date:September 2003, Running time:115 minutes

What would you get if you took My Big Fat Greek Wedding,made it gay and turned the cast Italian?Well you will find out if you watch this film.Set in Little Italy it revolves around Angelo and Nico who are school friends who in later life find they are attracted to eachother and begin a secret relationship behind the backs of their families. As Angelo says 'there is no fate worse than being gay and Italian'. Angelo and Nico decide to move out of their family home and live together(though they tell their families they are friends nad go on arranged dates to keep up the pretence) much to the disgust of their families because as an Italian rule you only leave home once you are married or dead.

This film is well written and acted.The cast is superb and I absolutely love the fact it plays on so many Italian stereotypes which are true.I watched some of this and said yeah my family are like that and I couldn't help but laugh(I am Italian by the way). It really made me laugh so much however although the comedy is brilliant there are some serious scenes which actually made me sad given it is so well written you actually begin to like the characters.

A great film to watch and definetly a great comedy.

8 out of 10

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