Starring:Neve Campbell,Courtney Cox, Dir:Wes Craven
Release Date:February 2000,Running time:117 minutes
Rather predictably I have gone with Scream 3 as my next choice of film to watch. This film though contains less of Sidney(Neve Campbell had other things so was limited to 20 days so there is a lot less of her than there was in the first two). This film as you can probably predict starts with the death of a couple and creates another cat and mouse adventure with Sidney(who is now in hiding). Though less 'fun' than the previous two I actually rather enjoyed this film. The addition of focus on the stab movie(in this the film trilogy is now on Stab 3). The films story is interesting because it not only has the new elements of the story created in the third film but goes back to the first to create a backstory etc so you can understand a few questions left unanswered in the first two films.
The deaths in this film aren't that brilliant and although done well just didn't have the wow factor of 1 and 2. The films plot is the standard one and though it is good it doesn't play on the fact it is a film as much and becomes more of a standard slasher flick and loses the mocking tone of the first two(which provided genuine laughs). A good film and recommended if you liked the first two but it isn't as brilliant as it could have been
7 out of 10
The deaths in this film aren't that brilliant and although done well just didn't have the wow factor of 1 and 2. The films plot is the standard one and though it is good it doesn't play on the fact it is a film as much and becomes more of a standard slasher flick and loses the mocking tone of the first two(which provided genuine laughs). A good film and recommended if you liked the first two but it isn't as brilliant as it could have been
7 out of 10
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